NatraSol For Animals
Particularly beneficial to cattle leading to greater weight gain, improved general health and productivity
The Natural Benefits
Improve Birth / Progony Performance
Increase Fertility & Conception Rates
Boosts Immune System - Naturally
Calf Scour natural reduction aid
Improved Meat Quality
Improved Nutrient
AbsorptionComplete Nutritional Supplement for Breeders
Osmoregulatory sunstances stimulate good gut bacteria
Technical data
NatraSol For Animals
NatraSol for Animals is a blend of liquid seaweed together with chelated copper, zinc, cobalt and magnesium. The chelated magnesium is present to help the absorption of copper to contribute significantly to the daily requirement for magnesium. Being in chelated form, the copper, zinc and cobalt are easily absorbed in the animals gut. The liquid seaweed contains a number of osmoregulatory compounds that significantly enhance the gut bacteria leading to greater utilization of feed, protein production and energy metabolism. Research has shown that feeding liquid or dried seaweed, is particularly beneficial to cattle leading to greater weight gain, improved general health and productivity.

Impressive Findings
Farmers have reported a "general increase in health and vigour" after using NatraSol for Animals on a regular basis. For more detailed information download the Information Sheets under 'Technical data Downloads' from the right hand column.
Among the particular benefits commented on are:
Increase in conception rate
Increase in fertilityBetter cycling
Reduction or prevention in scours (calves)
Reduction in afterbirth retention
Reduced incidence of milk fever
Improved birth/progeny performance
Increase in wool quality and quantity (sheep)
Reduced incidence of white muscle disease
Increase in weight gain
Improvement in coat shine (cattle, horses, dogs)
Directions For Use
Application: Shake or stir well before use and use within 24 hours of mixing. Spray early morning or late afternoon to avoid full sun and temperatures above 22°C.
Safety Directions: Keep out of the reach of children. Not for human consumption. Wash hands after use.