NatraSol Granules
Provide a rich source of organic plant and animal nutrients and essential trace elements
The Natural Benefits
Significant benefit to animal health by the provision of minerals & vitamins
rich source of organic plant and animal nutrients and essential trace elements
Increased absorption of food nutrients
Stimulates microbial activity
Releases stubborn minerals in soil
Enhances root growth development
Provides a degree of drought and frost resistance to plants
Technical data
NatraSol Premium Grade Seaweed Granules
NatraSol Premium Grade Seaweed Granules is fresh storm cast kelp harvested from the rocky west coast of Tasmania, washed, air dried, dehumidified and milled into granules, to provide a rich source of organic plant and animal nutrients and essential trace elements.
When mixed with grain as part of the food ration for livestock, it will provide significant benefit to animal health by the provision of minerals, vitamins, alginate and osmoregulatory compounds called betaines, that enhance beneficial gut bacteria so that food nutrients are really absorbed and better utilised.

Stimulate Microbial Activity
When applied to soil, the simple and complex carbohydrates in the seaweed are released during decomposition to stimulate microbial activity. This results in aggregation of soil particles and reactions that make "locked-up" minerals in the soil available to plants. Extensive research in Australia and overseas has shown that seaweed enhances root growth development, uptake of nutrients from the soil to enhance germination as well as providing a degree of drought and frost resistance to plants.
Directions For Use
Safety Directions: Keep out of the reach of children. Not for human consumption. Wash hands after use.