Information Video
A quick overview of the NatraSol maunufacturing process
NatraSol Sea Products market environmentally friendly products under the NatraSol brand.
They are natural solutions of fresh seaweed and wild fish species that thrive in a mixing zone of nutrients welling up from the depths of the Southern Ocean on the West Coast of Tasmania.
NatraSol products are based on decades of independent research, to provide viable solution alternatives to chemical fertilising practices and address the concerns and specific objectives of profit orientated producers.
Agricultural practices that improve productivity and reduce costs without a complete change to current farming methods are what farmers and growers are looking for as supplementary alternative to increase nutrient efficiency and soil biology.
“At Natrasol, we love assisting growers who share our passion and interest in bio-stimulants to boost soil quality in horticultural crops in their transition away from the reliance on synthetic chemical fertilisers.”